Dr. Hari Deo Upadhyaya

Head of Genebank and Principal Scientist,
International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT)
Hyderabad, India.


Dr. Hari Deo Upadhyaya is the Director/Head, Genebank and Principal Scientist, International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), Patancheru, Telangana 2009 to date.

He did his BSC from Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, 1970-74; M. Sc. From GB Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, Uttar Pradesh 1974-76, Ph.D. in Plant Breeding; 1976-1980, Post Doctoral Fellow, ICRISAT, Patancheru, 1980-1982; Pool Officer, G B Pant University of Ag. & Tech. Pantnagar, 1983; Asstt. Prof./Soybean Breeder, Dharwad, UAS Bangalore, 1983-1987; Associate Prof./Groundnut Breeder and Head Oilseeds, Raichur, UAS Dharwad, Raichur 1987-1990; Groundnut Breeder, UAS Dharwad, 1990-1991; Scientist, Groundnut Breeder, ICRISAT, 1991-1994; Senior Scientist, Groundnut Breeder, ICRISAT, 1994-2002; Principal Scientist, Genetic Resources, ICRISAT, 2002-2009; Assistant Director, Grain Legumes Program and Head Genebank, ICRISAT, 2011-2013; Director/Head, Genebank and Principal Scientist, ICRISAT, 2009 to date.

King Baudouin Award, as member of ICRISAT chickpea team, 2002; Member of American Association for Advancement of Science, 2003; Doreen Mashler Distinguished Scientific Achievement Award, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005; Millennium ICRISAT Outstanding Scientist Award, 2003, 2005, 2009; CGIAR Science Award for Outstanding Partnership as Member of Genebank Community, 2006; Frank N Meyer Medal for Plant Genetic Resources by CSSA, 2013; Crop Science Research Award by CSSA, 2013; Plaque of Appreciation by Vietnam Academy of Agriculture Sciences, Hanoi, 2014; Outstanding Scientific contributions through NARC-ICRISAT Partnership by Nepal Agricultural Research Council, 2014; Dr Harbhajan Singh Memorial Award by the Indian Society of Plant Genetic Resources for the biennium, 2013-2014; Recognized as a Genebank innovator by GCDT, 2013; ICRISAT Director General Gold Medal Award, 2014; Chair of the Crop Science Research Award Committee of CSSA, 2016.

American Society of Agronomy, USA; Crop Science Society of America, USA; Honorary Fellow of Indian Society of Plant Genetic Resources, India; Indian Society of Genetics and Plant Breeding, India; Uttar Pradesh Academy of Agricultural Sciences, 2016.

Area of Specialization

Genetics and Plant Breeding, Plant Genetic Resources, Population Structure, Association Mapping