Dr. Kuldeep Tripathi

Division of Germplasm Evaluation
ICAR-National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources
New Delhi, India


Dr. Kuldeep Tripathi currently works at the Division of Germplasm Evaluation, ICAR-NBPGR, New Delhi. He completed MSc and PhD degree from ICAR-IARI, New Delhi. He received University gold medal (UG), Best MSc student award by ISPGR, ICAR-JRF, NET & SRF and DST-INSPIRE fellowship during PhD.  He is working on Pulses genetic resources. He is also a member of post graduate teaching faculty at ICAR-IARI, New Delhi. Kuldeep does research in germplasm management.

Their current project is germpalsm and CWR evaluation for agro-morphological traits, quality traits, abiotic & biotic stresses; Core, Mini-core, Trait specific reference sets development and pre-breeding in cowpea, lentil, grasspea, pea and other pulse crops. His main role is Charaterization, Evaluation, Pre-breeding and Identification of Trait specic germplasm in pulse crops. Development of core set and reference set in Lentil, Cowpea, Pea and Lathyrus germplasm conserved in Indian National Genebank.

Evaluation of germplasm, Agro-biodiversity management and Pre-breeding in pulses